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Which Quora user should I follow on Quora? Why?

Annika Schauer
Thanks for the A2A Lydia Catherine.
First off, I want to say that every single one of the 400 some-odd people I'm following right now is awesome.  If I were you, I'd just go ahead and copy my whole follow list--there's not a single dud in there!
But OK, for the sake of brevity and some semblance of organization (so you can cherry pick who you're interested in), here's the reader's digest version of whom I think you need to follow to get the best Quora experience possible. (I'm just going to sketch this out for now and come back with edits, topic changes, and adds later).**
**Please note that everyone mentioned here writes in lots of categories, so I'm just cherry picking based on my personal favorite posts of theirs.  For instance, John Burgess could have just as easily been listed for the Middle East, and Stan Hankscould have been listed for software.  But I only wanted to list folks once, or we'd be here all night.
**Also if I mentioned you and you hate being on my list or you feel I've miscategorized you, let me know and I'll do edits.
Ryan Chew
My personal favourites in no particular order and why:
(Quorans who I personally think are underrated denoted with an asterisk *)

Mikhail Kotykhov* : Languages and Learning
User* : Languages and Learning

Sunny Mewati* : China, India, and Economics.
Balaji Viswanathan : Learning, India, and Economics.
Paul Denlinger : China

John Burgess : Food and Arabic culture.
Garrick Saito : Food and pianos.
Kent Fung : Food.
Tilman Ahr* : Food and restaurants.

Kyle Murao* : History and American foreign policy
Sed Chapman* : Japan and Dog.
Anji Ren* : Japan and design.
Sharon Kong* : Korea.

Bhavesh Aggarwal* : Comic relief. Fantastic bloke.
Chris Bishton* : Snarky, and the first Quoran who wrote a personal message to encourage me to write.
Dave Cheng* : Politically incorrect, the Chinese Jeremy Clarkson. Follow at your own peril.

Elynn Lee* : Internships, Bubble Tea, and a great personality.
Archie D'Cruz* : Design, and insight into a variety of industries.
Rory Young : Africa, and his work with African wildlife.
Patrick Crosset : Africa.

Sai Janani Ganesan* : I understand maybe 10% of what she writes. Doesn't stop me trying to digest her work.
Inna Vishik : Same here. I'm marking all of Inna's and Sai Janani's answers for my daughters for when they grow up, and hope that some of their mojo might inadvertently rub off on my two pixies.
Alon Amit : Maths and razor-sharp clarity of thought.

Leonard Kim : Adversity and positivity.
Tim Hibbetts* : His experiences as a pilot, and a great sense of humor.
Scott Welch* : Boating, and his life experiences.

Eva Kor**: If you have to choose just one Quoran to follow, choose Eva.
Peter Flom : Fatherhood.
Clayton C. Anderson : His experiences as an astronaut.

Currently inactive Quorans whose work I'd like to see more of:

Xu Beixi : We all miss your presence Beixi.
Lydia Wong* : Only 19 answers - the last of which was about a year ago -  but just read them and you'll see what I mean.
Thomas Foster
In addition to Marc Bodnick's collaborative answerAman Anand and I have started a board (and Marc Bodnick has since joined as well) if you'd like a weekly list of up and coming Quora users to follow, called Follow These Quorans.
Martin Silvertant
Image credit: Mabus Agency (edit by Martin Silvertant)

Although I could not say which Quora users you should follow, I can certainly make recommendations based on the people I follow:
  • Daniel Bamberger — It appears Daniel recently left Quora. I hope he returns at some point, because he was a major contributor of excellent astronomy content.
  • Dave Consiglio — Perhaps better known as the destroyer of worlds and killer of Everyone™, Dave writes very interesting answers on physics, planetary science, and nasty ways to get rid of planets and all that lives on it.
  • Romeel Davé — He has a lot of knowledge and expertise in astronomy, and writes very succinct, accessible answers.
  • Jack Fraser — Jack writes fantastic answers on physics, doesn’t shy away from mathematics, and infuses many of his answers with humor.
  • Philip Freeman — He’s an amazing physics teacher who often goes beyond the scope of the question.
  • Frank Heile — He writes elaborate and accessible answers on (astro)physics—among which black holes—and runs a blog called Consciousness Science,where he posts about scientific theories on consciousness.
  • Harry McLaughlin — If you want to know about black holes, he’s one of the main people on Quora to follow.
  • Shreeram Murali — Shreeram writes excellent answers on physics and astronomy, and science in general. I often learn something new.
  • Stephen Perrenod — Very succinct and accessible answers on cosmology and physics—in particular about dark matter, dark energy, and dark gravity.
  • Rebecca Pitts — She writes very informative and elaborate answers on astronomy and astrophysics.
  • Lynnie Saade — Always great answers on science and the application thereof, as well as answers on black holes. Often she adds her own illustrations, too.
  • Martin Silvertant — I hear he writes interesting, accessible answers on astronomy—complete with complementary infographics.
  • Viktor T. Toth — He writes excellent and accessible answers on physics, in particular on relativity, gravitation, and black holes.
  • Will Waalkes — An exoplaneteer, he writes nicely succinct answers on astrophysics and planetary science, with a particular focus on red dwarfs and their orbiting planets.
  • John Gould — John writes elaborate answers on logic and the application thereof, with excellent argumentation.
  • Melinda Gwin — Melinda writes beautiful answers on subjects like poverty, love, life and philosophy.
  • Michaelis Maus — He writes answers people need to hear rather than want to hear. It’s quite a thrill—particularly as an intellectual voyeur.
  • L.D. Ulrich — He writes excellent, clear answers on complex philosophical subjects, thus making it a lot more accessible.
  • Cheng Wen — A philosophy autodidact with an amazing amount of knowledge and insight.
  • Natalie Engelbrecht — Natalie writes very well-researched and fascinating answers on psychology and neuroscience, and runs the blog Embracing ASDwith me, where we publish articles on Autism Spectrum Disorders.
  • Yohan John — He writes fascinating and insightful answers on neuroscience, consciousness, and philosophy of mind.
  • Paul King — He writes excellent and illuminating answers on neuroscience, consciousness, and computation.
  • Justin Franco — He writes creative and informative answers on English grammar, teaching, and education—among other topics.
  • Michael Masiello — Michael is a master of prose, with an extensive amount of knowledge of and insight into literature, with a particular focus on Shakespeare. Somewhat ironically he is the owner of Το λακωνίζειν εστί φιλοσοφεῖν, where the objective seems to be to write as little as possible.
  • Nick Nicholas — One of the major contributors in linguistics on Quora, Nick is a great source of everything related to languages. He’s also a critical voice of Quora, and runs the Necrologue.
  • Tom Robinson — Tom writes really fascinating answers on religion and atheism, and knows a great amount about the Bible and the historicity and teachings of Jesus. On top of that, he is a master of poetry and runs the blog The Still-Alive Poets Society.
  • Dale Thomas — Dale writes fascinating answers on game design and rendering, as well as AI, robots, atheism and movies.
  • Ross Trittipo — He can turn some of the most mundane experiences into entertaining stories. If you want to learn about advertising, copy writing, or you want to read entertaining anecdotal stories, consider following him.
Christopher Lin
Here are some quality answerers who have yet to be recognised.
  • Jonathon Green.  Joined in January 2011.  He is a professional lexicographer of English slang, arguably the world's best according to the Independent[1], and writes amazing answers about the origins of slang words and phrases.
  • James Mcfeley.  He writes great answers for lots of questions about home repair and maintenance.
  • Jeff Scheuer.  He's a mattress expert and former Olympic luge coach.  Seriously, this is like a dream come true: two subjects you never thought you'd meet experts on covered by one marvelous man!
  • Chuck Eesley.  Stanford professor in Management Science & Engineering with long, comprehensive, and well-informed answers on questions about entrepreneurship and technology innovation.
  • Jonathan Kang.  CPU Design Engineer at Qualcomm with lots of detailed answers about same.
  • Scott Frey.  Orthodontic resident with lots of great answers on dental and orthodontic issues.

The best list of people on Quora formally recognised in the real world for their domain expertise can be found here: Who are some people on Quora who really know their field of expertise?

Baseema Husseini
Originally Answered: Who are the best writers on Quora?
Of late, I’ve been spending considerably lesser time on Quora due to work getting hectic, but I thought I must attempt this to express admiration for some absolutely brilliant writers that I have come across. So here is my list, of the ones whose answers made me go Wow :
i) Dushka Zapata : There are some questions to which I think I can simply not have an answer to. But if there’s an answer by Dushka, trust her to have written something, not very outlandish, but really simple about the topic, which would blow you away. Common sense is not so common, Dushka Zapata’s answers explain how exactly.
ii) Dushyant Chauhan : Someone who writes extremely well-researched answers, which are not for the faint-hearted. His answers bring out the most inconvenient of facts, which most people shy of talking about.
iii) Omkar Patil : Another writer who writes on similar themes as Dushyant. I thought IIT-ians were good at engineering, this guy could make it into the IIT-equivalent of history. A really thought-provoking writing style, some of his answers are highly detailed, and require a significant time to read. So if you have time and have decided to really up your knowledge-base, grab a cup of hot tea, and start reading his answers.
iv) Bala Senthil Kumar : One of the writers with whom I interacted during my earliest days, a writer who can drive sense into you regarding real issues through effective and creative use of sarcasm.
v) Anangsha Alammyan : She writes as beautifully as Sachin Tendulkar would play the cover drive. If you wanted an example of a person who could make love to words, look no further than her. If you are a guy, there’s an added bonus of following her :- )
vi) Kushal Kulshreshtha : A person with excellent grasp of global affairs, someone I would call an expert on Israel. Another guy who writes informative answers and has the knack of making them really interesting too.
vii) Elke Weiss Speaking of Israel, I cannot avoid mentioning the lady from Israel herself. If you are someone who likes small bits of sense injected into you, Elke is the person to subscribe to.
viii) User : I wish I could be as mature as her. Her answers have a broad range from her area of expertise- forensics, to dating, relationships, life in general. Also, they are deep, thoughtful, and most importantly, pragmatic.
ix) Vichitra Zawar : Someone who can weave a story around any damn thing. He faced flak sometime back for his writing, but well, with admiration, will come the brickbats. Hope you won’t stop writing, but yeah, hope you also have my small, free, unsolicited advice in mind :)
x) Jatin Rajput : His answers make for some really easy reading, but they dwell upon some really deep topics. If I were to advise a lost person on what he needs to read, Jatin’s answers would be high up in my suggestions.
xi) Franklin Veaux : The man who has shattered all artificial definitions of morality through well-justified, logical, thoughtful answers. I haven’t read the Fifty Shades, but is it safe to call him the Christian Grey of Quora?
xii) User A fellow Muslim-turned atheist, I can relate to her writing a lot. Brilliant, no-nonsense writing which questions the fundamentals of organised religion.
I’ll update this list if and when I get reminded of more writers. Surely I don’t think this is a complete list.
Noam Kaiser
Originally Answered: Whom should I follow on Quora?
It really does depend on your interests.

If you define the topics you are interested in, the best writers will gradually "pop up", in your feed.

You will find various recommendations on similar questions from recent years, but here's a link to a great answer, updated from time to time, by Quora's very own Marc Bodnick, that could give you a great head start:
Marc Bodnick's answer to Whom should one follow on Quora and why?

Ari Shahdadi
In addition to Marc's comprehensive list, I'll throw in a non-comprehensive list of a few of my favorites:

  • Brandon Smietana.  Asks lots of really awesome questions on finance, stats, machine learning, and always has punchy, insightful answers.
  • Jon Bischke.  Very knowledgeable about startup stuff, and also a great person to follow on health/fitness related questions.
  • Viksit Gaur.  Asks and follows really interesting questions.
  • Sasha KatsnelsonAni RaviEunji Choi.  Great crew to follow, all of them are hitters when they answer questions.
  • Jessamyn West.  Valuable experience from being a librarian and moderator on MetaFilter, very thoughtful answers.
  • Quora Admins (discontinued Quora program).  Following each the admins will give you a good overview on what's going on generally with the site, and you'll see really insightful and well-written answers from them as well.  Big ups for the admin team. 
  • Kim-Mai Cutler.  Not super active, but her answers are awesome when she pops in.
  • Elad Gil.  Great answers and a lot of valuable insight into entrepreneurship.
  • Richard Price.  I am consistently impressed by the number and quality of the questions he posts.
Akash Kothawale
Gayle Laakmann McDowell. Period.

I recently started following lot of women. They tend to write clean and appealing answers. Here are some of them.
Vinati SinghUserMichelle SandbergAnne K. Halsall.

I am a science freak. So Paul KingRobert Love and Robert Frost, inspire me.
Mihika Kulkarni
Marc Bodnick

Start by following him.
The sheer variety of topics he votes on is staggering. If you follow him, you will be exposed to tons of good answers and posts on Quora, which will help you find your own favorites among the people who crop up regularly in your news feed.

 He also upvotes good content regardless of who wrote it, which means that even after you start following Top Writers and other Quora luminaries (Farwa Naqvi has mentioned some cool people), you will still get content from promising new users.
Liam Gorman
Of the people I follow these are the people whose answers I enjoy reading the most:
EDIT: Furthering my quest to find great users on Quora these are some more names I've found.
They all write great, funny and well written answers on a variety of subjects which are smart and full of helpful knowledge and also ask some good questions, some have inspirational stories and write about very personal, incredible life events. Then again I really like the answers of everyone I follow, there are tons of great people on Quora who are valuable follows and I'm only relatively new to the site so I'm sure there are some people I'm still to discover. :)
Isabelle Early
Here is a list of some of the people I follow, along with reasons to follow each of them. Forgive me if some of them have more information than others, there are a couple whose writing hasn’t shown up in my feed as much as others.
  • Isabelle Early - She is the one on this list that I would most highly recommend following (sarcasm, in case you couldn’t tell). Seriously, though, follow me.
  • Dave Consiglio - He is the person to follow if you want to learn about the physics of the end of the world. His answers are well-written and informative, and he is the founder of Consiglio Devastations.
  • Dylan MacIntyre - He writes about his experiences with mental health, poverty, and other things. His answers are not easily forgotten. Other writers might have a few answers that stick with readers weeks afterwards, but almost every one of Dylan’s answers in memorable in some way.
  • Habib Fanny - His answers are always either very eloquent, or very short and to-the-point. He can be funny, too. If nothing else, you should follow him just for his cool socks.
  • Betzalel Shapiro - I don’t always agree with him, but his answers are hilarious. Also, he is Orthodox Jewish, and I always enjoy reading answers from the perspective of someone who has had different experiences than me. I respect his ability to change his political opinion, even if I don’t agree with him, because it shows he isn’t too stubborn to listen to the other side’s arguments.
  • Jordan Yates - She is a very eloquent writer, and you can tell that she loves to do it from how well-thought out and well-written each of her answers is.
  • Kate Scott - Her voice comes through loud and clear in every one of her answers. Most people’s writing would sound odd in a conversation, but not Kate’s.
  • Franklin Veaux - He is polyamorous, making his experience with relationships unlike anyone I know. This makes his writing on that subject much more interesting. He also is very unapologetic in his political and social views. He isn’t afraid to write about politics, even if he knows his opinions are controversial.
  • Brooke Schwartz - She reminds me of myself more than any other Quoran. As many others have said, she is one of the wisest writers I have read, which comes as a surprise to some due to her age. She owns a blog dedicated to grammar, too.
  • Andrew Weill - He has a cool hat and a fat cat (hey, that rhymes!). He writes concise, easy-to-understand answers about politics, parenting, etc.
  • Ivan Tregear - He is definitely one of the best at finding loopholes to hypothetical scenarios, although I haven’t seen that much lately.
  • Matt Zhang - His answers are always funny (he actually does standup; search YouTube for ‘Matt Zhang standup’). You should follow him if you want to read about politics and dirty jokes.
  • Justin Franco - He writes a lot about teaching and the more technical side of writing (grammar, sentence structure, etc.).
  • Jae Alexis Lee - Her writing is very informative about being trans. Her writing is generally more factual ( than other writers on Quora who write about similar .
  • Dushka Zapata - She is probably one of the best at writing on this list. She can use imagery like very few others, and has the ability to turn the most commonplace of experiences into a great answer and a great piece of writing.
  • Martin Silvertant - His answers are very informative if you want to learn about autism (or typefaces). I probably have autism, and I learn something new practically every time I read one of his answers.
  • James Finn - He writes a lot about LGBTQ+ rights, and usually draws on personal experiences to do so. He is a great writer, as well.
  • Matthew Bates - I don’t agree with him all the time, but I have occasionally been surprised at how much I do agree sometimes. He is a very eloquent and funny writer, as well.
  • Peter Flom - He is very good at getting to the point in his answers, but can still be elegant and insightful. He often writes about being learning disabled, parenting, and statistics.
  • Glenn Rocess - His answers haven’t shown up most in my feed, but he does have a unique perspective on political issues, especially racial ones.
  • Sam Murray - They write a lot about drugs (which isn’t something I’d personally recommend doing, but it makes for interesting writing).
  • Emlyn Shen - She writes a lot about being trans and in the process of transitioning. She also writes a lot about her emotions, and butterfly symbolism. And she knows martial arts!
  • Robert Frost - He worked at NASA, so his answers provide a lot of good information about space, NASA, the space station, etc.
  • Ella Leith - She writes a lot about topics I wouldn’t usually give much thought to (such as fashion). She also writes a lot about her experiences being on the autism spectrum.
  • Athena Walker - She has been diagnosed with psychopathy, giving her an interesting perspective on life. This makes her writing much more interesting, and a great source for learning about actual psychopaths, not the ones portrayed in movies.
You don’t have to follow any of these people, of course (though I would highly recommend it).
I would suggest following as many people who are different from you as possible.
Follow people who live (or have lived) on the opposite side of the world from you.
Follow people with disabilities.
Follow people with neurological conditions.
Follow LGBTQ+ people.
Follow people from both sides of the political spectrum.
If you’re reading someone’s answers, and you find yourself thinking “man, they have had a life that is drastically different from mine”, follow them (of course, only if you enjoy their other writing as well).
Note: If you are on this list and I got anything wrong about you, feel free to correct me in the comments section.
Dakota Lim
For writing advice:
128 published books and more to come. Her writing advice is concise, to the point, actionable.

Ask Ellen a question and she will understand what you are asking from your perspective. You will gain from Ellen quality information you can use right away. She has tremendous empathy, heart, and formidable writing skills. What an artist! Love her!

I will be able to provide you with effective tips that can help you to identify and bring out your original voice. I studied the art of writing short stories and have completed a novel (not yet sent out for publishing). If you seek advice in the areas of rhythm, pacing, verisimilitude, and how to affect the emotions of the reader, I can share the skills I have learned with you.

If you are seeking “how to” writing advice in the creative art areas of sketching, drawing, portraits, etc., Vaishali is the person to ask. Her advice is detailed yet succinct. Clear. She has superb skills of artistic expression.
Vaishali has two blogs: The Cacophonous Charcoal and A Walk to Remember

Joe is a professional nonfiction and technical writer. He has been an editor for 20 years. His answers show deep knowledge, and address technical writing rules that are important to know and yet are difficult to obtain elsewhere. We are lucky to have him here!

Top Writers who write interesting answers on a wide range of topics.
Garrick Saito - has written 14,498 answers and is the Most Viewed Writer in 436+ topics. He has amazing breadth and depth of knowledge!
Todd Allen - has written 3,240 answers. Over 300 answers have been in the topic of Religion. Almost 400 answers have been in the topic of Atheism. It is easy to understand why he is a Top Writer.
Miranda Marcus - writes on diverse subjects. She specializes in Plastics, and Research and Development. She and her husband are dancing partners and excel in the Latin dances, especially the Tango. Her answers about meeting her husband and their experience of being separated and reunited are filled with romance and thrilling drama! Her answer about an artichoke was published. Yes, she is an amazing, gifted writer.

Talented Writers who should be Top Writers in the near future. They write in-depth interesting answers on a wide range of topics.
Click on their names, take a look at the variety of their answers and you will want to follow them.

We are all fortunate to have Quora’s A2A feature.
Actively make full use of this feature.
Post your questions and invite these writers (among the 15 people allowance) to answer. Make use of the question details section if necessary.
Have fun!
Looking forward to getting to know you!
David Chalk
One thing I believe is to look for people who cross many Genre as the answers are more layman terms, a quick way to understand a topic or issue without getting to deep.  Then of course like the lists here follow the experts in a category as they will give you amazing depth.

For me I follow about 70 topics and comment on,  giving a broad perspective, I would love for you to follow me and I am also willing to answer questions directly.

If you are interested you will find me on this amazing list of minds

Famous People With Dyslexia

My best...

General - Dr. David Chalk d.Tech
Robert Scoble 
Originally Answered: Who to follow on Quora?
Don't follow that Scoble guy. He'll pollute your feed! :-)


I'm following thousands, and I can't pick just one yet. I can't even pick a small list yet. There's so much interesting stuff.

But, if you DO like techie, geekie, startupie, entrepreneurialie, kinds of things, then check out the questions I follow at Robert Scoble and see if any of those people interest you.
Kittie Eubank
Wow…I didn’t expect this list to get so long.
I tried to leave out most of the Quorans I follow who already have ridiculous numbers of followers, though there are a few I couldn’t answer this question without mentioning.
For anyone who’s not on this list…it doesn’t mean I don’t love you!! These were the names that jumped out at me when I scrolled through the almost 500 people I am currently following.
In no apparent order...mostly.
Jordan Yates - depression, bisexuality, general awesomeness
Wendi Tibbets - hilarious hypotheticals, dogs, Geology
Gabriel Flood - Asperger’s, human behavior, Quora
User - birds, suicide, trucking
Melissa Stroud - funny stories, writing, taking no crap
Erin Sonier - headaches, movies, siblings
Gwen Sawchuk - marriage, dating, general wisdom
Katie Anne Holton - polyamory, transgender, LGBTQI
Karen Tiede - animals, medical conditions, randomness
Kelley Spartiatis - dating, everyday life, teenagers
McKayla Kennedy - children, Quora, books
Dushka Zapata - because you’re an idiot if you don’t
Myra Scott - marriage, relationships, Game of Thrones
Andrew Weill - US politics, law, parenting
Ward Chanley - atheism, LGBTQI, feminism
Christine Gilbert - sex, food, etiquette
Alec Fane - the UK, sex, general hilarity
Jennifer Ellis - the law, dating, careers
Jae Alexis Lee - dating, transgender, computers
Mercedes R. Lackey - writing, birds, animals
Archie D'Cruz - Quora, publishing, Canada
Michaelis Maus - everyday life, recreational drugs, dating
Jason Wells - US secret service, guns, human behavior
Morgan Evans - teenagers, life advice, education
Naomi Kerseybrown - sex, life advice, more sex
Melissa Myer - US politics, life advice, online dating
Lara l Lord - hair color, fashion, makeup
Heather Jedrus - Quora, English, survey questions
Jacky Dror - life, relationships, Quora
Kate Scott - Washington State, dating, parents
Zebulon Pike - relationships, cannabis, parenting
David Payne - race, life experiences, asking lots of great questions
Neil Highnam - food, smoking, music
Ingrid Halvorsen - career advice, insurance, menstruation
Cassandra Sullivan - bipolar, dogs, life advice
Mary C. Gignilliat - dating, plants, dogs
User - sex workers, vampires, literature
Sierra Spaulding - US politics, music, animals
Lara Novakov - Serbia, survey questions, travel
Maura Rudd - food, human behavior, etiquette
C.J. Heck - poetry, parenting, general wisdom
Kat Rectenwald - sex, food, Quora
Joy Carney - Asperger’s, parenting, food
Brent M. Woods - life experience, English, food
Shane Tennent - computers, video games, relationships
User - religion, healthcare, addiction
Benjamin Lasseigne - swimming pools, teenagers, fitness
Daniel He - Quora, asking questions, hypothetical scenarios
User - everyday life, survey questions, smart people
Blake Lopez - musical instruments, the U.S., English
Caz Lessels - humor, puns, making me laugh
User - marriage, parenting, life advice
Pepper Chen - dating, interpersonal interactions, asexuality


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